mobile traffic up to15% of global internet traffic in May 2013 (up 5% from 2012), it would be foolish not to ensure your website is prepared for this new trend.But what if your competitors’ websites are not already responsive? Even more reason to get in ahead of the game. We’re all aware how frustrating it is to try and view a website that was designed for desktop viewing on a mobile screen. It involves constant zooming in and out to read content and to select links. With a responsive site this action is not necessary as the site will automatically adjust to desktop, tablet or mobile depending on what device you have accessed the website through.Sometimes you’ll find that not many mobile users are accessing your site, in which case you may not need to upgrade. A good indicator of whether responsiveness is necessary is to view your website analytics and see how the figures add up. If a percentage of your users are accessing your site via tablet and mobile and dropping off early, chances are they’ve become frustrated with the browsing experience and have left to view a competitor site.
Despite the continued increase in tablet and mobile browsing, very few existing websites have been updated to be responsive. So what is responsiveness? It’s simply the automatic adjustment of the website layout to fit desktop, tablet and mobile screens so that they appear in their best format.With indicators showing that mobile browsing is set to overtake fixed internet access in 2014, and with